
BTL Pine Needles leaderboard

Canadian Students

Volume 42, Number 5: September/October 2008

Students are an apathetic bunch, right? Beer swilling party animals who care more about their Facebook than political activism. This Fall we uncover those students breaking the stereotype and becoming politically engaged despite the harsh realities of decreased public funding to post-secondary institutions and the increased role of corporations on campus. From high-school students campaigning against Israeli apartheid to Quebec student unions demanding Canada end the occupation of Afghanistan, Canadian students are becoming a force to reckon with.

On the international front, Lia Tarachansky dishes the dirt on harmful mining practices in the South – many of which stem from Canadian Mining companies. Canadian companies control some 40% of Mexico’s mining sector, and Drew Nelles details the destructive environmental impact of their business ventures. Back at home many of these same companies are encountering fierce resistance from indigenous communities who are saying no to mining on their traditional lands. Kitchenumahykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation in northern Ontario has battled mining companies, the Ontario government and courts, Tyler McCreary and Barb Barker report on their struggle.

Social and economic insights come from Michael Lebowitz who looks at Venezuela’s path toward 21st century socialism. Nancy Macdonald uncovers the ugly face of addiction on Vancouver’s Lower Eastside in her conversation with local doctor Gabor Mate. Rounding off the issue are the usual suspects, some insightful book reviews, columns and our comprehensive around the left in 60 days section.

Table of Contents


  • The Horowitz Paragraph
  • Something Is Happening In Indian Country
  • Labour Report
  • One Native Life
  • Québec Communiqué
  • On The Edge


  • Bill C-492: Turning Around Canada’s Human-Rights Hypocrisy
  • How To Make Mud Cookies
  • Building 21st Century Socialism

Today’s Student Activism

Mining Resistance