The Canadian Dimension Archive
Welcome to our history! Canadian Dimension teamed up with the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections department to create this digital register of CD’s past issues, going all the way back to our 1963 inaugural edition. The magazine was launched in the shadow of the Cuban Missile Crisis, with a declaration that is even more germane today than it was then: “Despite the terrifying (and terrified) world in which we were born, we are not without hope for a better future.”
CD has been analyzing the world—particularly the Canadian corner of it—with a view to changing it ever since. As this archive attests, Dimension’s founder Cy Gonick together with thousands of writers and editors over successive decades have remained true to the original project of providing an independent left perspective on national and international affairs. The CD archive is thus a rich resource not just for historians but for anyone looking to understand how we arrived at our current confounding conjuncture.
CD’s editors made the difficult decision to retire the print magazine in 2019, but the digital incarnation of Dimension has surpassed expectations for attracting a new generation of readers and writers, alongside a crew of stalwarts, all drawn by CD’s ever-relevant tagline: For people who want to change the world.
We hope your first dip into the CD archive will whet your appetite and that you will be a returning visitor. This archive represents Canadian Dimension’s past, and we are happy that it is being made available free of charge. But since we tapped into our shoestring budget to cover some of the costs of digitization, and since we continue to provide our content without a paywall, we would be grateful for whatever donation you can muster to help keep us in fighting form.
Thank you for your solidarity. La lotta continua.
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