
Delivering Community Power CUPW 2022-2023

Donate to Canadian Dimension

Do you enjoy an independent perspective? Has media convergence and the ever-diminishing number of independent media voices got you down?

Bringing you in-depth analysis and reporting from an alternative viewpoint is no easy task. Canadian Dimension is produced with no strings attached—no corporations, no politicians, no media moguls dictating the information we present. How refreshing. Instead, it’s the support of our readers that allows us to keep digging up stories that you won’t hear about anywhere else.

While converting to an online publication allows us to sustain Canadian Dimension at minimal cost, we still have bills to pay. Reader donations continue to be our main source of revenue. They help to pay our bills including rent and honorariums for some of our writers, photographers and graphic artists.

Support us monthly

Monthly income from CD supporters has become our lifeblood—because of your regular donations, we are able to look ahead and plan changes and improvements to the website knowing that we can rely on a steady monthly income.

(Already a monthly supporter? Manage your donation here.)

If you can’t support us monthly, you can also make a one-time donation—any amount helps!

More than 75% of our operating budget comes to us in the form of donations from our readers. These donations help to pay our bills, and honorariums for some of our writers, photographers and graphic artists. Our supporters are part of everything we do!