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Volume 50, Issue 2: Spring 2016

Spring is a time for renewal

A new structure for Dimension

Welcome to the Spring issue of Canadian Dimension. With this issue, we launch ourselves into a fresh era for CD. Our new structure consists of a coordinating committee that will work through a small core of standing committees that will help sharpen the coordination of editorial production both for the magazine and in our growing online efforts. One of the editorial-oriented groups will deal with the print magazine’s central theme, while the other will stay on top of CD’s regular features. Our Web working group will ensure that CD develops a lively online presence, keeping up to date with breaking issues, events and trends. The other two working groups will work to underpin our finances and make sure our promotional infrastructure is up to scratch. In addition, we are counting on a network of associates (some drawn, we hope, from what used to be the CD collective) to support the new structure with both ideas and energy.

A community of readers

Since we are largely a volunteer undertaking, we encourage you, our readers, to see yourselves as part of this ambitious project and see how you might contribute. If it takes a village to raise a child (children are the focus theme of this Spring issue, after all) it takes a community to sustain a magazine. For those hopelessly pressed for time, we will be happy to take financial contributions to help encourage a future to believe in, as opposed to another round of the same-old same-old.

We need our SUSTAINERS

The 150 readers who are CD sustainers together contribute over $20,000 to our coffers each year. That pays the printing bills of three of the four quarterly issues of Canadian Dimension. Do you want to help pay for the printing of the fourth?

  • Make a regular monthly donation of $10 or $20 or more by way of an automatic transfer of funds from your credit union or bank.
  • Make a one-off donation by cheque or credit card.
  • If you are already a monthly contributor and circumstances permit, please consider renewing at a higher level.

For more information, write to us [email protected] or Canadian Dimension, 2E, 91 Albert St. Winnipeg, R3B1G5, or call 204-957-1519.

Childhood focus

This spring’s focus on childhood, a first for CD, was planned and edited by Judy Deutsch and David Hugill. We think there are some really thought-provoking pieces in this issue. We’d like to hear your thoughts about this focus and about a future theme we are contemplating: Growing old in Canada. To add your input, please use the contact info listed above.

Feel the Bern

However he finishes on the electoral trail, Democratic Party presidential nomination candidate Bernie Sanders has opened up a lot of opportunities to organize and to talk socialism. In this issue, we gather a variety of viewpoints on how the left here should respond to the Sanders campaign. Here’s one idea that was left out. Bernie has made socialism almost cool to talk about. In the U.S. of all places!!!! If socialism is on the agenda, we need to ask the same old questions: What exactly is it? How do we get there? But we need something different than the usual formulaic answers. We offer this discussion as a starting point. We could put together an entire issue of CD exploring the variety of potential socialisms. And what might work best here in Canada? Does this appeal to you as a CD reader?

Have a good read.

Table of Contents

The Regulars

  • Decolonizing childhood
  • Spring is a time for renewal
  • Contributors
  • Indigenous nations lead opposition to pipeline development
  • Toronto municipal union settlement: mixed inspiration
  • Honduran murders, indigenous martyrs
  • The big clout of Big Oil

Special Feature

Feel the Bern

All That’s Left

  • A is for Activist: Igniting children’s radical imaginations
  • Social democracy stumbles on Brazilian soccer pitch
  • Honouring Joe Hill: working-class hero
  • Stiff twigs and frozen grass: narrating violence on the Prairies
  • Environment and existence at heart of Grassy Narrows struggle
  • A blueprint for Canada’s future energy policy
  • Authors expose urgency of Canadian water protection
  • Redemption or rejection on the campaign trail