
Delivering Community Power CUPW 2022-2023

Canada: A New Imperial Power?

Volume 40, Number 6: November/December 2006

Is Canada a new imperial power? The idea may sound strange for a nation of hockey-loving hosers, but there might just be something to it. Our new issue takes on the question by looking at Canada’s approach to foreign policy⁠—partnerships in American military exploits and democracy promotion, a growing alliance with Israel, questionable practices by CIDA and Canadian-based mining companies in developing nations, and a growing focus on militarism rather than diplomacy. Also inside: a personal dimension by Mel Watkins, Elizabeth May’s Green Party, Cuba After Fidel, and Rupert Murdoch vs. MySpace anarchy.

Cover artwork by Robert Carter,

Table of Contents


Opening Arguments

All That’s Left

  • Personal Dimension
  • Games for People Who Want to Change the World
  • Unpacking the Passive Refugee
  • Drawing the Lessons of 9/11
  • Wal-Town
  • Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame
  • Dubmatix