
Delivering Community Power CUPW 2022-2023

The New Feminism

Volume 44, Issue 6: November/December 2010

About six months ago Canadian Dimension publisher Cy Gonick and associate publisher James Patterson met up with members of RebELLEs, a new generation of young feminists. We thought they had something to say that our readers ought to know about. Among other things, we hatched this special issue of CD. We thank the RebELLEs group across Canada and especially Sarah Granke of its Winnipeg Chapter, known as FemRev, and Barbara Legault of the Montreal-based secretariat. They pretty well planned the issue and worked on content in collaboration with Jodi Proctor, Shimby Zegeye, Natasha Peterson, and CD.

Our September/October issue focusing on Building A Mass Movement Against Capitalist Ecocide has proved to be as popular as any issue of CD in recent years. We continue this theme in this issue with two very important articles about some of the very dangerous technologies being seriously considered so as to continue to avoid the root cause of ecocide which is capitalism’s addiction to growth. Commissioned by Canadian Dimension, the articles come to us from the world-renowned Montreal-based research group ETC. Much of ETC’s work continues to emphasize plant genetic resources and agricultural biodiversity begun in the late 1970s, but the work expanded in the early 1980s to include biotechnology and in the late 1990s to encompass a succession of emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, synthetic biology, geoengineering, and new developments in genomics and neurosciences. Its Executive Director, Pat Mooney, featured here, received The Right Livelihood Award (the “Alternative Nobel Prize”) in the Swedish Parliament in 1985 and the Pearson Peace Prize from Canada’s Governor General in 1998.

The print issue of the magazine also contains a special pull-out on contemporary feminist art as a means to think through relationships between feminist theory, practice, materiality and performativity; considering contemporary works by artists that combine the (often collective or communal) processes and materials of traditional (women’s) craft with live works that involve the performance of communities, conversation and speech acts (both public and private). This pullout was produced in conjunction with the Free Associates Collective, Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art and with the generous assistance of the Manitoba Arts Council.

Table of Contents


The New Feminist Revolution

Techno-fix or Techno-Folly?

New Canadian Writing

  • Can-lit Afterlife

All that’s Left

  • Media as Insurgent Art
  • Tony Blair finds new home in entertainment media

Reviews & Bookmarks