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Blog Archives

  • 2012: A Year of Activism from Maple Spring to Idle No More

    I think we will look back at 2012 as the year that everything changed. The year began with what became a powerful strike of Quebec students against an intransigent government and ended with an historic movement of Indigenous peoples across the country declaring they will be Idle No More.

  • Review: Feminism For Real

    My review of Feminism For Real: Deconstructing the Academic Industrial Complex of Feminism edited by Jessica Yee.

  • Review: Orienting Canada

    My review of Orienting Canada: Race, Empire, and the Transpacific by historian John Price.

  • So sad for the people of Gaza

    During the last attack in 2009, I was angry, furious at the slaughter of hundreds of people of Gaza trapped in a tiny slip of land without any protection. So I participated in an occupation of Jewish women of the Israeli consulate. As you will see from the video I was furious and ready for action. This time my feeling is more sadness.

  • Virtual Launch Event for Two Books of Canadian History Through the Stories of Activists!

    This post is part of a virtual launch event for two new books of Canadian history through the stories of activists, Gender and Sexuality and Resisting the State, both from Fernwood Publishing. Read on to find out more about these books and about how you can support them.

  • Writing and Alienation

    A post thinking through the relationship between practices of writing and the marxist idea of alienation.

  • Student movement victory? The Québec Strike

    Should the repeal of the tuition hike in Quebec be regarded as a victory for the student movement?

  • What’s Different About Ontario? Thinking About Specificity in Student Organizing

    Some initial thoughts about how the conditions for student organizing in Ontario might relate to those that produced this year’s great upsurge in student militancy in Quebec.

  • Responding to “Why Are Men and Women So Different?”

    A critical response to an article entitled “Why Are Men and Women So Different?”

  • Guns & Politics in Canada

    The gun is now a part of Canadian politics. Richard Henry Bain killed one person and injured another at the PQ rally last Wed night. He was ill, it seems, and a recluse, like many of those who suddenly, unexpectedly, tragically erupt into violence.

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