Castro coverage shows fake news is ubiquitous
Perhaps the biggest media story of 2016 was the overdue discovery of fake news: totally manufactured information slickly packaged as journalism. Getting a lot less attention was the story that real news can be fake news, too, and often is. As the Huffington Post points out, when opinion (which is cheap) is blended with fact (which is expensive) and is endlessly recycled, it gets hard to tell the difference between 60 Minutes and The Daily Show.
Exiting the Vampire Castle
In this pointed polemic, Mark Fisher accuses “neo-anarchists” and those in the “Vampire Castle” for toxic navel-gazing on the Left.
Listen to Chomsky’s Montréal discussion period
Listen to the discussion period from Noam Chomsky’s Montréal lecture in Oct. 2013, a discussion that touches upon the reality of growing police repression in Montréal under the municipal law P-6 that bans free protest, to a clear denunciation of the pending Quebec secularist charter.
The Deeper Meaning of Mass Spying in America
The exposure of the Obama regime’s use of the National Security Agency to secretly spy on the communications of hundreds of millions of US and overseas citizens has provoked world-wide denunciations. In the United States, despite widespread mass media coverage and the opposition of civil liberties organizations, there has not been any mass protest. Congressional leaders from both the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as top judges, approved of the unprecedented domestic spy program.
Mainstream Corporate Media – Psychiatry’s Publicists
The myths and stereotypes surrounding mental illness and the violent mental patient are unfortunately alive and well.
The case against Julian Assange
What is it that’s making governments in the West so afraid of information?
Imperialism and the “Anti-Imperialism of the Fools”
One of the great paradoxes of history are the claims of imperialist politicians to be engaged in a great humanitarian crusade, a historic “civilizing mission” designed to liberate nations and peoples, while practicing the most barbaric conquests, destructive wars and large scale bloodletting of conquered people in historical memory.
Occupy Canada movement remains unscathed following phoney attack by Maclean’s
Coyne’s poorly conceived attack on the only fresh progressive movement western countries have seen in many years does not reflect well on Maclean’s, but the magazine has published more than its share of shoddy articles in recent years.