‘The Dead Candidate’s Report’: An interview with Lesley Hughes
The Dead Candidate’s Report: A Memoir tells the story of celebrated journalist Lesley Hughes, who decided she wanted to be a member of Canada’s Parliament, only to have her candidacy cancelled by her leader without notice, as she was preparing to launch her campaign. In fact, her political obituary was written and distributed to the news media even before the candidate herself was informed.
Tell Trudeau to reject the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Winnipeggers attended a townhall meeting at the University of Winnipeg about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a multilateral trade agreement that threatens our jobs, our environment and our sovereignty. Hosted by the Canadian Labour Congress, the panel included President Hassan Yussuff, Canadian Labour Congress President Maude Barlow and many more.
Yves Engler: ‘A Propaganda System’
Author, journalist and activist Yves Engler was at the University of Winnipeg to promote his most recent book, A Propaganda System: How Canada’s government, corporations, media and academia sell war and exploitation, released recently by Fernwood Publishing and RED Publishing. Yves has published eight other books and written hundreds of articles in less than a decade.
Why BDS?
The decision taken by Green Party of Canada convention delegates to approve a resolution supporting the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel in August 2016 was controversial, so much so that the leadership decided to convene a special general meeting in Calgary, Dec. 3 & 4, 2016 to reconsider the resolution.
‘Canada Since 1960: A People’s History’ Winnipeg book launch
Edited by CD founder Cy Gonick with chapters from 25 writers who evaluate how CD discussed diverse subjects over a span of 50 years: 50 years of class struggle; 50 Years in Indian Country; 50 Years of art and culture; 50 Years of making socialism; 50 Years of rebelling youth; 50 years of anti-racism, human rights and immigration advocacy and much more.
An evening with Naomi Klein in Winnipeg
Award-winning Canadian author Naomi Klein spoke on climate and economic justice at Knox United Church. Naomi Klein is the author of The Shock Doctrine, No Logo, and No is Not Enough. The event was hosted by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba office. Video recorded by Paul S. Graham. Audio by Bryan Harder.
Maude Barlow: Harper won’t be PM after the next election
Council of Canadians Chairperson Maude Barlow predicts that Stephen Harper will cease to be Prime Minister of Canada following the federal election that is expected this October. Barlow was speaking at “Winnipeg: A Public Forum on our Democracy” that was held at the Indian and Metis Friendship Centre on May 12, 2015 by the Council of Canadians and the Canadian Union of Public Employees.