The ‘pandemic of greed’ still divides the world
A world where the wealthy, so-called advanced, capitalist nations can dominate is abhorrent. We need a new world order focused on global solidarity, mutuality, and international cooperation. We need science-based praxis where the needs of humans, animals and nature are prioritized. We do not need a repeat of pandemic profiteering and the shameful “me-first” posture of the rich and powerful.
Remembering the ‘year of the Irish’
Refugees are not a burden, and should not be scapegoated for a myriad of problems that are not of their making. They are people fleeing for their lives and seeking safety and opportunity, just like the famine Irish did. Their rights as displaced people and people seeking asylum need to be protected, and we need to do better at welcoming them.
Gaza and Canada’s refugee double standard
The different treatment of Ukrainian and Palestinian refugees exposes a clear double standard. The Trudeau government’s response to Ukraine was swift and comprehensive. There was no cap on how many could apply and they did not need to have Canadian relatives. Ottawa eventually received 1,189,320 applications from Ukrainians and approved 936,293, with 210,178 arriving in Canada.
No shelter from the storm
When a country as prosperous as Canada cannot meet the shelter and housing needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized, this is an indicator of a profound crisis. It signals the failure of the dominant market-driven model for providing housing and personal security. We are approaching a level of displacement that Canada has not witnessed since the Great Depression.
Beyond an emergency
In one of the wealthiest countries in the world, we are relying upon ill-prepared faith and community organizations, staffed by volunteers, to do what the state should be doing—to welcome and to accommodate vulnerable, displaced people who have arrived here, often by a perilous journey, to seek a safe haven and to start a new life.