China: Reformers and Compradors
China’s reformers have started their new version of “The Long March” through many layers of corrupt, flawed and failing institutions. Bigger and more consequential changes await the awakening of the working class.
Colombia’s Killing Fields: Peace is War
With regard to Colombia one thing is certain: The signing of a “peace agreement” between the Santos regime and the FARC will not end the killing of trade unionists and human rights activists; it will not free the thousands of social movement activists in Colombian prisons.
The Age of Imperial Wars
There is no question that wars and military threats have replaced diplomacy, negotiations and democratic elections as the principal means of resolving political conflicts. Throughout the present year wars have spread across borders and escalated in intensity.
Pillage and Class Polarization: The Rise of “Criminal Capitalism”
Mega-swindles define the nature of contemporary capitalism. The profits and power of financial capital is not the outcome of ‘market forces’. They are the result of a system of criminal behavior that pillages the Treasury, exploits the producers and consumers, evicts homeowners and robs taxpayers.
A Critique of US “Grand Strategy toward China”
The US should not attempt to block China’s growth and expansion; it should assist and share in its ascendancy, especially in the face of great global climate and energy challenges. Washington is much more likely to strengthen its Asian–Pacific partnership and succeed in its diplomacy if it replaced its military posturing with robust economic growth.
Lies and Deceptions on the Left: The Politics of Self-Destruction
Over the past year, what appeared as hopeful signs, that Left governments were emerging as powerful alternatives to right-wing pro-US regimes, is turning into a historic rout, which will relegate them to the dustbin of history for many years to come. Increasingly, the electorate views the leftist rulers as traitors, who betrayed their supporters at the beck and call of their most egregious class enemies.
Obama’s War in our Hemisphere
Obama’s charge that Venezuela represents a threat to US foreign policy is an accusation directed at all governments who have freely chosen to abandon US-centred organizations and who reject US hegemony.
The United States and Venezuela: Decades of defeats and destabilization
US policy toward Venezuela is a microcosm of its larger strategy toward Latin America. The intent is to reverse the region’s independent foreign policy and to restore US dominance; to curtail the diversification of trading and investment partners and re-centre economic relations to the US.
The Assassination of Greece
The Greek government is currently locked in a life and death struggle with the elite which dominate the banks and political decision-making centres of the European Union. What are at stake are the livelihoods of 11 million Greek workers, employees and small business people and the viability of the European Union.
Looking Backward, Looking Forward: 2014 - 2015
The balance sheet for 2014 and the prospects for 2015 provide us with a complex panorama of negative and positive outcomes. In most cases the advances are not earth-shattering but open possibilities for further progress. The negative developments, however, have greater and more threatening systemic outcomes.